I moved to Dallas. Consequently, I must halt new entries and updates on this blog. This blog remains a good way to learn about Southeast Texas and offers many useful tools for anyone who is new to the area or plans to move to the area.
I plan to continue working on my daily PhotoJournalism blog and started a DFW events blog.
Helpful sections of this blog:
Events by month
Jan. | Feb. | March
April | May | June
July | Aug. | Sept.
Oct. | Nov. | Dec.
Regularly scheduled events
All events
Useful area links
Visitors Bureaus
Municipality Web sites
Educational resources
Locations within 60 miles
Locations within 60 - 120 miles
Area counties
Noteworthy locations within 100 miles
Other event lists
Area blogs are listed by city on the sidebar.
Thanks again for visiting,
-- Mark
PhotoJournalism blog